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Last 112th Pope «Peter the Roman» is the Russian scientist


©Victoria Popova and Lidia Andrianova

Part I. «Peter the Roman» is the Russian scientist


1. Resignation, as the end of the line of popes and the beginning of apocalypse


Humanity relieved surviving the date «21 December 2012», when the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar, has not occurred, and joyfully celebrated a failed event! The peak of interest to the «end of the world» for millions of people on Earth has passed, and many believe that Armageddon, if it happens, still will be not soon, but very, very far, not in our time...


However, many famous prophets and predictors warn that just for our generation apocalypse is very close and actual reality and each of us will go through these events. Nostradamus and St. Malachy, Lubavitcher Rebbe and Itskah Kaduri, Edgar Cayce and others give milestones that indicate the beginning of a close event the End of time. Prophecies about the last 44 black president of America, the death of Sharon, the last 112th Pope of Rome, and others inform humanity that the apocalypse is already very close.


St. Malachy’ prediction about the end of the line of Pops


Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI struck the whole world as an extraordinary step. Pop is usually elected until his death regardless of health status. Last Pope voluntarily abdicated in 1415, i.e. 600 years ago.


In connection with this event, emerged forgotten ancient prophecy of Irish prophet St. Malachy (1094-1148) of the Roman Popes, in which he first informed the world that the number of popes is not infinite. «Prophecy of the Popes» of St. Malachy was first published at the end of the XVI century – in 1595, i.e. nearly 450 years after his death.


Part of the page with the end of «Prophecies of the Popes» in the «Tree of Life» («Lignum Vitae») (1595).

Statue of St. Malachy (1094-1148)


St. Malachy prediction for centuries ahead includes 112 popes. Names are not listed. Each future pope is described in two words literally, i.e. by aphorism or motto. All researchers and even Vatican officials recognize phenomenally accurate match the characteristics of each of the 112 popes, given by Malachy's prophecy with their biographies.


However, undoubtedly, the most important prediction is about Popes 111th and 112th — two last Popes not only in the history of the Catholic Church but humanity. Last pope, who sits on the throne, will be the 112th. In this line of popes, the successors of St. Peter will end.


Reign of the last 112th pope designated as «Peter the Roman» (Petrus Romanus), are devoted the final two paragraphs – it is the longest part of the prophecy of St. Malachy. St. Malachy predicted that with the accession of the 112th pope holy city of Rome shall fall, and the apocalypse comes: «In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will sit «Peter the Roman», who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed (i.e. Rome will be destroyed) and impartial judge will judge his people. The End. »


So far, Pope 112th is yet known. Therefore, some believe that the prophecy of St. Malachy is wrong. Nevertheless, humanity is in a stressed and anxious expectation, since the appearance of «Peter the Roman», according to the prediction of St. Malachy means the beginning of global cataclysms of apocalypse.


What secret is hiding prophecy of St. Malachy? Who is the 112th pope, «Peter the Roman», with whose accession to the throne holy city of Rome shall fall, and the apocalypse comes?


A lightning strike to the Basilica of St. Peter is warning of the onset

of global cataclysms of apocalypse


Under the most common interpretation of the prophecies of St. Malachy penultimate 111th Pope was Benedict XVI. The resignation of Benedict XVI is artificially interrupted from Above process of 111th Pope reign for appearance Russian scientists with the mission of the Transition to the Highest level of the material world before beginning of global cataclysms. The humanity Transition is the only way of salvation specified from Above. This information marked the lightning strike on February 11, 2013 on St. Peter’s dome over the tomb of the Apostle Peter right after Pope Benedict XVI abdication.


Lightning struck, as a sign from Above, pointed on the incredible importance of the current event for all mankind. Benedict XVI put the last point on the line of the Popes, initiated by St. Peter — marked its end. A lightning strike also revealed that from Above has already been made the change of owners of keys of heaven – given to St. Peter two symbolic keys were replaced by real keys and given to Russian scientist Victoria Popova.

Lightning struck is an omen of a self-fulfilling prophecy of St. Malachy. This is warning to civilization about the beginning soon doomsday events – global cataclysms of apocalypse.


Attack of crow and seagulls on Popes peace doves – foreshadowing of Rome destruction


Another sign from Above about soon beginning of global cataclysms is attack in the last 3 years on peace doves released by Popes in the Vatican, after the sermon – at first Benedict XVI, and then on January 26, 2014 Francis. Thus, the last time the pigeons were immediately attacked by seagulls and black crow. These episodes with doves in the main square of the Vatican, anxiously watched many thousands of pilgrims, considering it a bad omen.

Simultaneous attack of two birds: seagull and black crow - ominous bird, that predicts death, is omen of global cataclysms of apocalypse beginning, as well as the destruction of Rome at the end of Popes’ line according to the prophecy of St. Malachy. Obviously, disasters will be associated with the water element that emphasizes the attack of seagull associated with the sea and also harbinger of a storm and great changes.


2. Russian scientist received from Above two keys to the symbolism of consciousness


Return of enduring value of tiara


The main manifestation of the power that from Above obtains each Pope - is the Keys. They were given to the papacy in order to open the gates of the kingdom of heaven in the time of mortal danger, where humanity can escape and thus save lives.


Tiara - three-tier crown - is the arrow-pointer of the person who currently endowed from Above the power to open the gates of the kingdom of heaven. This is constant signalization about the place where he is staying. Tiara, towering on head, constantly points on the owner of the Keys chosen from Above. Tiara means that only this person knows what to do in order to save civilization in mortal danger.


That is why the Keys and Tiara – two attributes of power of salvation – are also the main symbols of the Vatican. Tiara and keys is an indivisible unity.


Coronation of tiara means that only this, chosen from Above, the only person in the world will thoroughly, with precise accuracy perform the mission of salvation of civilization entrusted to him from Above. Only he can properly inform people about the incredible and even magic opportunities of the keys – to open the gates of the kingdom of heaven before mankind stunned by suddenly aroused deadly trouble, for salvation and continuation of living. Only he knows and can inform – what and how to do for salvation. Tiara as arrow-pointer allows identifying the person endowed the keys, and, therefore, this power from Above. Tiara follows him everywhere.


Thus, keys and tiara are two attributes that are associated with each other by the magic of the Holy Spirit given for salvation of civilization. This is unified symbol of power, given from Above, to save mankind in the close events of mortal danger. Therefore, mankind must know every second – where is the source of this information, given from Above, for salvation. For this purpose, tiara has to be constantly associated with the keys.


Consequently, rejection of the coronation with tiara and wearing of tiara means for people of the Catholic faith - loss of eternal value of tiara. However, determining the cause of these rejections – replacement of keys and their owner – means the return of tiara priceless.

Russian scientist receives from Above new real keys of heaven for the Transition


Well known, that only the owner is legally entitled to the keys, and someone to whom it were trusted by the owner. First keys of heaven, whose purpose is to save humanity at the moment of mortal danger for the general resurrection – were given to the apostle Peter, who founded the papacy. Thus, the two keys – silver and gold – marked the beginning of the great Popes serve for millennia. After all, people tend to forget, doubt, lose and distort clean grain of truth in the rush of life, and they need constant reminders of the commandments – the highest laws of morality. Keys constantly reminded the people of Earth that at the moment of mortal danger they will be guaranteed salvation. And this time has come...


However, quite unexpectedly for the civilization just before global cataclysms of apocalypse beginning, when really came time of mortal danger, from Above was made the replacement of the keys and their owner.

Russian scientist Victoria Popova in 2004 and 2005 received from Above two keys to the symbolism of consciousness. From Above were given also detailed Instructions for mankind's Transition to the Highest level of the material world i.e. the kingdom of heaven – for continuation of life. This is the only way of salvation from global cataclysms of the planet destruction, specified from Above.


Given from Above detailed Instructions – how to get into the kingdom of heaven, were written in symbols of consciousness unknown to mankind and two key, given from Above, allowed reading them. As it turned out, in order to get the kingdom of heaven, i.e. to the Highest level of the material world, humanity has to make the Transition on the base of united consciousness of civilization. Stages of the Transition in details are described in the Instructions.


There, on the Highest level of the material world the general resurrection will happen and will begin a new cycle of life — the cycle of Correction and everyone will be responsible for actions made today.


Two keys to the symbolism of consciousness

The first key to the symbolism of consciousness — an individual information cell – is presentation of a human being on the Information level of the Universe, was given from Above to Victoria Popova in the fall of 2004. This happened during the reign of Pope John Paul II (October 16, 1978 – April 2, 2005.)

Individual information cell of a human being corresponds to the fourth level of consciousness and includes three previous level of consciousness – nonorganic nature of stars and planets and organic nature.

The second, the main key to the symbolism of consciousness was received by Victoria Popova, from Above, on June 29, 2005, the feast day of St. Peter the Apostle, whose attribute as known are the keys of heaven. The second key was given from Above at the very beginning of the reign of Benedict XVI (April 19, 2005 – February 28, 2013). Sincemankind has received two keys.


The second key is the main because reveals the Law of action of the united consciousness.


Law of action of the united consciousness


Uniting of consciousness with a common goal causes an action in the material world. This action does not obey the laws of the material world because is a result of rearrangements, that occurred in the information cell. THE TYPE OF REARRANGEMENTS IS DETERMINED BY THE CHOSEN GOAL.


The second key explains how the united consciousness of civilization can cause the laser beam for the Transition to the kingdom of heaven. This is the only given from Above, the way of salvation from global cataclysms of the planet destruction, which very soon will rage on Earth. The Law of action of the united consciousness reveals such phenomena of consciousness, as levitation, telekinesis, dowsing, clairvoyance, intuition, etc.


A Brief History — how from Above were received two keys

and the Instructions for the Transition


Knowledge from Above began to come to Victoria Popova since 1987. Prolonged channeling of Information from Above consistently occurred in the two countries – up to 1995 in Russia, from 1995 to 2007 events brought us in the U.S., and then in 2007 again returned to Russia.


It was the information about the structure of the Universe, in which the material world is one of three levels, the development of consciousness in the universe and solar system, the cycles of consciousness development of humanity, and more. However, most importantly, that from Above was reported that very soon on the Earth will begin global cataclysms, and for salvation humanity will make the Transition to the Highest level of the material world, i.e. the kingdom of heaven. But how?

To answer on this question, from Above were given detailed Instructions. However, they were transferred by symbols of consciousness unknown to mankind, and in order to read them were given two keys. Instructions for the Transition were decoded by Victoria Popova with his sister – also Russian scientist Lidia Andrianova.


Symbolism of consciousness allowed us to decipher numerous complexes in Peru, Mexico, Easter Island, England, Bolivia, Egypt, etc. Among decoded pictograms-complexes are: Stonehenge, stone circles Avebury, as well as mound pyramid Silbury Hill in England, the modern wonder of the world Machu Picchu and complexes of Chachapoyas in Peru, pyramids of the Sun and Moon in Mexico, moai of the Easter Island in Chile, Great Pyramids of Giza and Sphinx, underwater complex of Yonaguni and Okinawa in Japan, and many others.


Without knowledge of the symbolism of consciousness all these monuments-pictograms would have remained incomprehensible, as inscriptions in unknown language. As it turned out, by the symbols of consciousness are represented all the stone complexes of megalithic period, which have long been considered the wonders of the world. Completely different world was revealed in front of us.

This is the World Library – the system of information transmission of extraterrestrial civilizations where information is presented by symbols of consciousness. All complexes convey the same of information – about the need to unite consciousness of civilization for the Transition to the Highest level of the material world, as the only way for the continuation of life upon the occurrence of global cataclysms. In the process of work, Victoria Popova and Lidia Andrianova composed «The Dictionary of symbols of Consciousness» by more than 300 characters.


Reading pictograms with symbols of consciousness, we have experienced the same feelings as the French linguist founder of Egyptology J. F. Champollion, who due to the texts of the Rosetta Stone, picked up the key to deciphering ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and began to read the text describing the life of ancient Egypt. Finally, hieroglyphics began talking and humanity learned about the deep past of our civilization.


Given from Above two keys to the symbolism of consciousness allowed us – Russian scientist Victoria Popova and Lidia Andrianova, read the pictograms of extraterrestrial civilizations (ETC). And the system of communication of civilizations of the universe revealed. ETC – older brothers according to knowledge in each pictogram reveals the incredible opportunities of unified consciousness. This allowed learning about the future of humanity - the occurrence of global disasters and the only way of salvation.


For correct perception of completely new direction, many famous and great people of our time helped us to understand all unclear questions and models. We discussed some elements of work with scientists of leading universities and research laboratories of America, Nobel laureates, political and religious figures. Among them professor Robert G. Jahn, dean of Princeton University, scientists of Harvard, Columbia Universities, NASA researchers and others.


We met with the great American astronomer Carl Sagan, who was entrusted to encrypt Aresibo message from Earth civilization. We discussed with him many questions for about one hour. This meeting was very important, because later from an unexpected side Carl Sagan confirmed the correctness of our decoding of pictograms presented by symbols of consciousness. Mechanisms of consciousness and sudden insight, we discussed with Academician Natalia Bekhtereva – famous Russian physician neurophysiologist, the founder of the Research Institute for Human Brain.


The results of our work in the form of numerous reports we presented at the International Congresses for Study of models and mechanisms of consciousness, and also of cryptography in the United States, France, Czech Republic and Russia. In 2004 in Russia was published our book «Our Transition in the parallel worlds», which became Russian bestseller. In 2009 two our books were published with Marina Popovich – the world-renowned military test pilot with 101 world records, big friend of our family, the author of the book «UFO over the planet Earth».


Replacement of the keys of heaven and their owner


Thus, as St. Peter 2000 years ago was first handed symbolic keys of heaven, the Russian scientist Victoria Popova was first given from Above new real keys of heaven, allowing to read the Instructions for the Transition and continuation of civilization life through the general resurrection. Consequently, two symbolic keys of heaven, which owned the papacy over the millennia, have been replaced by two real keys to symbolism of consciousness and given to the Russian scientist Victoria Popova. So, from Above, completely unnoticed for mankind had happened replacement of keys and change the trustee.


Incredible importance for human life of these replacement symbolic keys of heaven on real, as well as a change of owner of keys before global cataclysms, very brightly reflected in various prophecies - St. Malachy, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and others.


The principal difference between symbolic keys of heaven and real


As it turned out, the symbolic keys of heaven fundamentally differs from the real keys. So, what is this difference?


Symbolic keys – for creation of homogeneous-resonant structures of consciousness for the Transition. Symbolic keys that Jesus Christ gave to St. Peter, to underlie the papacy. They urged people to obey the commandments and not violate them. The main commandment, the quintessential of all teachings of Jesus Christ is «Love thy neighbor as thyself. »

As the keys, which owned the papacy could open the kingdom of heaven, they attracted a huge number of people wanting to follow this faith, i.e. Catholicism. It was very important, because for thousands of years, fulfillment the commandments insensibly formed homogeneous-resonant structure of consciousness required for the Transition, based on mutual understanding and love. By the end of 2012 in the ranks of Catholics numbered 1,228 billion people worldwide, increasing on 14 million Catholics, which is slightly ahead of the growth rate of the global population. Percentage of Catholics in relation to the population of the planet is 17.5%.

So, St. Peter was given symbolic keys. Their goal – for two millennia to form homogeneous-resonant structure of consciousness necessary for the Transition to the kingdom of heaven. Major role in the formation of homogeneous- resonant structure of consciousness of humanity through the millennia performed the Psalms of David. As a result now in the world there are many people whose love is boundless.

They could only be obtained only through given from Above the Instructions, written by symbols of consciousness. In order to read them were given from Above another – special keys, which were given not to the papacy, but to the Russian scientist.


The real keys to read the Instructions for the Transition and General resurrection. However, as it turned out, in order to get into the kingdom of heaven, i.e. to make the Transition, required the additional knowledge. They could only be obtained by using the Instructions given from Above and written by symbols of consciousness, and in order to read them were given from Above other keys – the real. Just these keys were given not to the papacy, but to the Russian scientist.


The real keys to the symbolism of consciousness allowed reading the Russian scientists given from Above detailed Instructions for the Transition in the kingdom of heaven – on the Highest level of the material world. Instructions opened to humanity the basic requirements and stages of the Transition for the General resurrection on the Highest level of the material world. The stages of the Transition include: synchronization of the united consciousness of humanity, creating homogeneous-resonant structure of consciousness to enhance the laser beam caused by it.


Thus, the real keys will allow to make the Transition and thereby to be saved not only Catholics, to whom were given symbolic keys, but also all people of Earth. They will open road to the kingdom of heaven to all mankind for the General resurrection and continuation of life in the new cycle.

3. Nostradamus – the Woman in tiara with keys is the Russian scientist


Decoding of «The Lost Book»» of Nostradamus


Great predictor Nostradamus in his prophecies presented in seventies watercolor drawings from «The Lost Book», discovered in Rome in 1994, confirms the information that the new keys of heaven will be given to the Woman, which he portrayed in tiara. So, Nostradamus reveals the person, which St. Malachy in his «Prophecy of the Popes» called as «Peter the Roman».


Even a cursory glance was enough for us to understand that drawings in «the Lost Book» are pictograms, information in which is presented by already familiar symbols of consciousness. Decoding drawings of Nostradamus is required special knowledge and the two keys to the symbolism of consciousness that have been received from Above by Russian scientist Victoria Popova in 2004 and 2005.

The two keys, given from Above, allowed deciphering drawings-pictograms of Nostradamus. Decoding showed that they transfer fundamentally new, vitally important for mankind information about events of the beginning of global cataclysms. The debate about the authorship of the book continues. However, no matter who fulfilled these drawings - Nostradamus or any other undoubtedly great predictor of the past, the main thing is to understand their content.


Woman in tiara with keys of heaven is the last Pope before Armageddon


Drawings of Nostradamus confirm that in anticipation of the beginning of global cataclysms from Above will be given detailed Instructions for the Transition of humanity to the Highest level of the material world, i.e. the kingdom of heaven. Moreover, the Instructions will be presented in written form, however, in incomprehensible for humanity symbols of consciousness. So, from Above will be given also two keys to read them.

In the pictures-watercolors Nostradamus portrayed unusual keys – it is two main codes to the symbolism of consciousness which are presented on the heads and teeth of keys.

Nostradamus reports that these keys to the symbolism of consciousness for reading the Instruction will be given from Above to the Woman. Woman-owner of keys of heaven in all drawings of Nostradamus is presented with the papal tiara on her head.

Nostradamus by special separate picture emphasizes that tiara as accessory of keys of heaven, also is given to this Woman from Above. Consequently, tiara on head of the Woman is arrow-pointer what just she, from Above, was given the keys for reading the Instruction to mankind's Transition into a new cycle of life.


It is known that tiara and the keys of heaven are the symbols of papal authority. They are symbols of the Vatican and are presented on its coat of arms and flag. Keys of heaven are presented even on the floor of the Cathedral of St. Peter.

Tiara, as known, is a distinctive headdress of Pope.

Consequently, the Woman in tiara on the head and with the keys of heaven means that this Woman is the Pope.

Such unusual information of Nostradamus about the Woman-Roman Pope reminds also unusual St. Malachy Prophecy of Popes. This prediction warns about the end of the line of the Popes, the last of which will be 112th Pope «Peter the Roman». As is known, the penultimate 111th Pope Benedict XVI has completed his service. So, who is this 112th Pope «Peter the Roman»?


Woman in tiara will arise simultaneously with onset of global cataclysms


In the symbolic of consciousness serpent or dragon is the symbol of global cataclysms. Nostradamus depicts a body of the Woman in a tiara merged with the body of a huge serpent-dragon – symbol of cataclysms.

For clear demonstration the beginning of the events of the End of the world simultaneously with appearance of the Woman with the keys, Nostradamus depicts the Black Rooster of Armageddon sitting on tiara of the Woman. In another drawing trumpeting Angel of Apocalypse is shown above the keys, which is holding the Woman in tiara, and warns about the beginning of global cataclysms. In the next picture of Nostradamus is shown vertically bouncing predatory dragon which attacks the dove of peace on the left side of the Woman in tiara with the keys.

And, indeed, in the last two years predatory gulls and black crow attacked peace doves released first by Benedict XVI, and then Pope Francis.

So, Nostradamus warned that with the onset of global cataclysms will appear the Woman with the keys of heaven and tiara – distinctive headdress of Popes. It is known that the keys and tiara are symbols of papal authority. Consequently, the Woman in tiara, according to Nostradamus, is the last Pope before Armageddon.


Date of birth of the Woman with keys and tiara


Incredible importance of identification of the Woman in tiara, as the guarantor of available for humanity the only way of salvation from global cataclysms, specified from Above, manifested in the fact, that Nostradamus in several pictures indicate the date of her birth – the year of Ox and the sign of Libra.

It turned out that it is the date of birth of the Russian scientist Victoria Popova, to whom from Above were given two keys to the symbolic of consciousness in order to read the Instructions for the Transition of mankind, as the only way of salvation from global cataclysms specified from Above.


Woman in tiara – direct descendant of King David


Nostradamus in pictures informs that detailed Instructions for the Transition were transcribed using two keys. It turned out that this is the knowledge about mankind's Transition into a new cycle of life, where humanity will gain immortality, through the General resurrection of the dead. Nostradamus also informs that this knowledge will be entrusted from Above to convey to mankind by two Women, and gives the external features of each of them.

However, most importantly, Nostradamus informs that these two women are the direct descendants of King David.

Their mother is the only reincarnation of King David.

Thus, Nostradamus informs about two sisters, two Russian scientists – Victoria Popova, whom were given from Above two key to the symbolism of consciousness and Lidia Andrianova. They are the direct descendants of King David. Coincided completely also exterior features of two sisters – light-haired and dark-haired, that accurately noticed in the picture by Nostradamus.

Two sisters on the base of two keys to the symbolism of consciousness deciphered many hundreds of pictograms, written by symbols of consciousness. They also read given from Above detailed Instructions for mankind's Transition to the Highest level of the material world for the salvation from global cataclysms.


Edgar Cayce – famous American predictor also informs that at the beginning of global cataclysms hope of the world will come from Russia. It will be a new philosophy, not communism, no, but considering a relationship based on brotherhood, when everyone will be responsible for each other.

Thus, Edgar Cayce spoke about necessity to unite consciousness of humanity for the Transition on the base of mutual understanding and love.


Woman in tiara with mission of salvation of mankind is protected from Above


Thus, the Russian scientists gave mankind the only way of salvation explained in details in the Instructions. However, Nostradamus reports that this information will be met humanity with hostility. That is why the personality of the Russian scientist, presented by Nostradamus as «Woman in tiara», will be revealed only with the beginning of global cataclysms. Up to this point a woman's personality will be hidden from the world.

Nostradamus transmits this information, the image of angels, which hide the woman in tiara from the world by a curtain. In another picture Trumpeting Angel of Apocalypse warns of onset of global cataclysms and has appeared Woman in tiara high above the head is holding in hands new keys of heaven, as the only hope for salvation of mankind.


The fact that the Woman in tiara with keys will be met by humanity with hostility, Nostradamus shows in drawings by the attempt to hit her with a hefty cudgel or even with sharp sword. However, the attack is stopped by the Hand from Above. Moreover, fatal blow is reflected by the vertically placed sword, with the tip directed to the hand of the hitter. Nostradamus has shown that the Woman in tiara with keys also protects the White Dog with the sword.


Thus, the Woman in tiara is protected because her mission is salvation of mankind from global cataclysms. About this informs the head of the man, leaning out from the skirts of the Woman in tiara.


Instructions for the Transition will be demanded only after the cataclysm


Nostradamus reports that given from Above the Instructions of the Transition will be in demand not immediately after the appearance of the Woman in tiara i.e. on the eve of disaster, but only after the strongest natural blow, which will bring great losses.

This information Nostradamus transmits by images of birds on the tiara of the Woman. On the one hand, this is yet quietly sitting Black Rooster of Armageddon, warning about beginning of cataclysms. He like weather vane rotates in the direction of the arising danger. However, mankind presumptuously believes that is reliably protected from disasters. This is depicted by a man in full military uniform with sword and shield, going towards the Woman in tiara with the Black Rooster.


On the other hand, in another picture Black Bird with raised flapping wings informs that cataclysm with numerous losses have already occurred. That is why the Woman in tiara put her hand on the man's head that depicts the Earth civilization, and is calming him, transmitting the way of salvation – the Instructions for the Transition given from Above as a guide. Humanity for the Transition by the action of the united consciousness has to cause the laser beam, which depicts a Unicorn Horn. One Unicorn Horn also confirms that this is the only way of salvation.


Conclusion. Incredible importance of the knowledge given from Above to the Woman in tiara about the Transition is a guarantor of available for humanity the only way of salvation from global cataclysms given from Above.


4. Main criterion for the definition of «Peter the Roman» is

two keys for reading the Instructions for the Transition


Woman in tiara and «Peter the Roman» is the same person

So, St. Malachy, as well as Nostradamus informed about the appearance before the End of the World the Pope, to whom will be given from Above two new keys of heaven for reading  the Instructions - how to get into the kingdom of heaven, how to make the Transition there. Consequently, St. Malachy and also Nostradamus describe an important event in the life of humanity – replacement the Keys of heaven for salvation of mankind from global cataclysms. However, each of the predictors is doing its very important clarification about the owner of new keys.


Nostradamus. Woman in tiara will be given from Above two Keys for the Transition


Nostradamus makes the main and absolutely incredible clarification – this Pope is the Woman! In all pictures-watercolors he portrays her in tiara. The main thing is that in her hands are the keys of heaven. This is the keys to the symbolism of consciousness for reading the given from Above Instructions for the Transition. Therefore, Nostradamus has shown in his pictures the replacement of the owners of the keys made from Above – the keys were transferred from Popes to the Woman.


In order to identify this Woman in tiara Nostradamus indicates the date of her birth. It turned out that this Woman, represented by Nostradamus in tiara, is Russian scientist Victoria Popova.  She was given from Above two keys for reading the Instructions for mankind's Transition into a new cycle of life, written by symbols of consciousness at the eve of global cataclysms as the only way for salvation.


St. Malachy. «Peter the Roman» receives from Above the keys of heaven for the Transition


St. Malachy in his prophecy gives a prompt in the form of a super-unusual name of 112th Pope – «Peter the Roman» – the last Pope before the end of the world. This name is unusual, primarily due to the fact that, as it is known, Popes, by the already established tradition, never take this name «Peter» - the first Pope of Rome. And it's understandable. Because just St. Peter was first given the keys of heaven. All other Popes participated only in handing over the keys from the previous to the next.

Thus, the name «Peter» in the prophecy of St. Malachy means, that the 112th Pope as St. Peter will be given the keys.

Identical names of the first and last Popes underline that circle is closed i.e. returned to the beginning ― to the first bishop of Rome, St. Peter. On the place of the first Pope ― the Apostle Peter, to whom originally were handed two keys of heaven, came the last 112th Pope «Peter the Roman» ― Russian scientist who also was given the keys from Above, but already new keys.

Keys are intended for reading detailed Instructions for the Transition into the next life cycle, as the guide to action, given from Above. The Instructions were read by Russian scientists Victoria Popova and Lidia Andrianova.

For millennia, the Keys informed people of Earth that at the time of mortal danger, they will be saved in the kingdom of heaven. Getting new Keys by the Russian scientist shows that the line of Popes ended, because their mission is over. However, the predictions of St. Malachy and Nostradamus means stern warning about the beginning of global cataclysms in the near future due to the activation of tectonic plates of the planet, and this process can not be stopped.

Repetition of the name Peter of the first and the last Popes - emphasizes that these are the same keys that will help humanity to find salvation from global cataclysms in the kingdom of heaven. The Russian scientist - the Woman to whom were given the real keys from Above, is the successor of St. Peter.


The word «Roman» means that, in accordance with the prophecy of St. Malachi, with appearance of 112th Pope, the city of Rome will be destroyed, and already the Russian scientist will continue the mission of Popes. Consequently, the Russian scientist - the Woman - «Peter the Roman» will continue the work of the Apostle Peter and all Popes for uniting consciousness of people for the Transition and continuation of life. On this indicates the word Roman.

Thus, the 112th pope, «Peter the Roman» in the prophecy of St. Malachy and the Woman in tiara in pictures of Nostradamus is one and the same person.

This Woman is the Russian scientist Victoria Popova, to who were given from Above the Keys of heaven, and detailed Instructions for the Transition and continuation of life through the General resurrection.


Already elected Pope Francis is not «Peter the Roman»


Under the most common interpretation of the prophecies of St. Malachy the pope Benedict XVI is the penultimate 111th Pope. Last pope, who will sit on the throne, will be the 112th – «Peter the Roman». So, this is the end of the line of popes – the successors of St. Peter.

Today the next Pope Francis is already elected. However, it is obvious that it is not «Peter the Roman». This is a completely different person. On this indicate some very important facts.

Absence of tiara on the head of the Pope as well as in his coat of arms. The Pope Francis is not «Peter the Roman», primarily because he broke with tradition and was not crowned with the papal tiara as previous four Popes. Thus, tiara as arrow-pointer of the owner of the keys of heaven, is absent on his head. Moreover, tiara is absent in coat of arms of the Pope Francis and replaced by a papal mitre. Consequently, tiara is completely absent in all his attributes.

This means that Pope Francis has not received again, as well as St. Peter, new real keys of heaven. Thus, in terms of having tiara, Pope Francis does not own the real keys of the kingdom of heaven. Consequently, the Pope Francis is not «Peter the Roman».


The name «Peter». Choosing a name is usually symbolic. By tradition, Popes never choose the name Peter, which carried the Apostle Peter - the first bishop of Rome, although there are no formal rules prohibiting it. Repetition the name of Peter in the name of «Peter the Roman» in prophecy of St. Malachy, means that the 112-th Pope - Peter II again, for the first time will be given from Above completely other, new keys of the kingdom of heaven, as once the first keys of heaven had been handed to St. Peter.

Pope Francis, according to occupied san already received the keys, but they were transferred from the previous Pope – Benedict XVI. However, this is not new, but the same keys that were given to St. Peter 2,000 years ago. Pope Francis was not given from Above other new keys of the kingdom of heaven. Thus, in terms of the name – Pope Francis is not «Peter the Roman».


Black, but not red shoes of Pope Francis also indicates that it is not «Peter the Roman». Clothing of the pontiff is not only an ancient tradition. Each detail of the Pope clothing is a symbol. Papal shoes are a historical item of clothing of Popes of Rome.

Status i.e. occupied position of the Pope by the tradition obliges the owner wearing red leather shoes, because the feet – is the basis of a man – he steps on the ground – is walking by a certain path. It is believed that the red is the color of the Holy Spirit. Thus, the red shoes of Pope, symbolizes the path specified by God. It means that the feet of the man - his path is completely directed by God. Black shoes of Pope means, that not God, but man himself chooses his own way.

Benedict XVI has restored wearing ruby-red street shoes similar to those worn by Paul VI. However, his successor, Pope Francis stopped wearing red shoes and continues to wear plain black shoes.

Thus, black shoes of Pope Francis also indicate that he is not «Peter the Roman».


All this means that pop Francis is not the real owner of the keys of heaven, though by occupied position they should belong just to him. Moreover, the absence of a tiara on his head, just like previous four popes, indicates that the keys of heaven no longer belong to the papacy. So, Francis, as well as four previous Roman popes has no real keys to the kingdom of heaven. Pope Francis also has not received, from Above, detailed Instructions explaining, how humanity really can get into the kingdom of heaven with the beginning of global cataclysms.


Under the most common interpretation of the prophecies of St. Malachy, Benedict XVI is the penultimate 111th Pope. Last pope, who will sit on the throne, will be the 112th - «Peter the Roman». Thus, the Russian scientist Victoria Popova, which, as well as St. Peter was given the keys of heaven is the mysterious 112th pope. She is «Peter the Roman» according to the prophecy of St. Malachy. Upon this, the line of popes and the successor of St. Peter will be ended.

Thus, Benedict XVI the 111th Pope already resigned, and the newly elected Pope Francis is not 112th pope «Peter the Roman» according to the prophecy of St. Malachy. Therefore, the real owner of the keys «Peter the Roman» is a symbolic representative of the existing line of Popes, because continues their mission – salvation of humanity from destruction in global cataclysms.


«Peter the Roman» is the Russian scientist Victoria Popova. Her mission is to help humanity make the Transition in the next cycle of life. According to the prophecy of St. Malachy, Peter II – «Peter the Roman» – Petrus Romanus will be the last pope before the end of the world.


«Woman in tiara» and «Peter the Roman» – the Russian scientist Victoria Popova

will appear in the pontificate of Pope Francis


In many pictures Nostradamus represents the sun as the emblem of the Order of the Jesuits. This informs that the Woman in tiara, i.e. Peter the Roman according to the prophecy of St. Malachy, will appear during the reign of the representative of the Jesuit Order — Pope Francis.


Sun as the symbol of the Jesuit order. As it is known, March 13, 2013 after the abdication of Benedict XVI from the Holy See, first in history was elected the Pope – representative of the Order of the Jesuits, who took the name of Francis. Pope Francis underlined belonging to Jesuit Order in his coat of arms. As it is known, coat of arms of the Order of the Jesuits – is the black sun. Pope Francis changed black color of the sun on gold.

Sun in pictures of Nostradamus is analogous to the image of the sun in the coat of arms of Pope Francis.

Image of the Woman in tiara with the keys under the sun, as the emblem of Pope Francis, means, that she will appear in the reign of the High Representative of the Order, i.e. during the pontificate of Pope Francis. However, on the other hand, is known that the Woman in tiara will appear simultaneously with the events of the End of the World.

Beginning of apocalypse and simultaneous emergence of the Woman in tiara during the reign of Pope Francis, Nostradamus underlines by several details in pictures. On the one hand, Nostradamus combines image of the sun with the image of the Black Rooster of Armageddon on top of the Woman tiara and the Trumpeting Angel of Apocalypse. On the other hand, it is two types of solar rays – wavy and in the form of sharp peaks, many times repeated around the sun disk.

Wavy rays represent a curved body of a snake – a symbol of coming global cataclysms. Nostradamus, thereby indicates that the sun is the cause of their beginning. Indeed, today scientists have noted a significant weakening of solar activity corresponding to the state of «deep solar winter». Moreover, solar activity is even five times below the lowest known minimum of Dalton, which was observed 300 years ago.

Another type of sun rays on the pictures of Nostradamus – as sharp peaks – resembles a sword blade. These ways are shown laser beams, which has to cause humanity by synchronously uniting consciousness for the Transition.


Nostradamus reinforces the warning about onset of global cataclysms in this period by depicting rising up to the top, the water level in the three window openings of the platform, on which stands the Woman in tiara with the Keys. Increased water level means the continuous flooding of the planet's surface in three preliminary cataclysms.

Thus, «the Woman in tiara» of Nostradamus and «Peter the Roman» of St. Malachy – is one and the same person – the Russian scientist Victoria Popova, to whom, from Above, were given two keys of heaven, will appear during the reign of Pope Francis. This is shown by the image of «the Woman in a tiara» under the sun as the emblem of the Jesuit order, to which belongs the Pope Francis.



5. Responsibility of Peter the Roman for continuation of life of civilization


Mission of the Russian scientists is the uniting of consciousness of Earth people

for the Transition


Russian scientist received, from Above not only the rights to open the gates of the kingdom of heaven to mankind, stunned by the sudden natural blow of incredible strength, for the Transition to the Highest level of the material world and continuation of life. The Instructions for the Transition given from Above, as the only way for salvation from global cataclysms is an incredible responsibility for the success of the Transition and continuation of life of Earth civilization.

Russian scientists will carry out their mission given from Above – uniting of consciousness of all people of Earth for the Transition to the new cycle of life regardless of religion, color of skin, sex, age – in the conditions of began global cataclysms. The Transition completes the cycle of Consciousness, because by this will be reached the highest level of consciousness – united consciousness of all mankind.


The Instructions for the Transition given from Above is the only way of salvation. The Instructions for the Transition given from Above is the only way of salvation. The Transition will be realized in accordance with the detailed Instructions given from Above. Instructions inform that the Transition can be made through synchronization of the united consciousness of civilization and the creation of a laser beam to destroy a body at the level of Crystal structures, where we live now. At the same time the resurrection of humanity will happen at the Highest level of the material world, where we make the Transition. Therewillbeginthenewcycleoflife.


The Transition can not be made one by one. Either all humanity simultaneously will make the Transition, or the entire Earth civilization will perish in global cataclysms of the planet destruction.

To achieve this goal requires two groups of people. People of the highest consciousness should cause multiple laser beams. The united consciousness of other people of civilization through synchronization of consciousness across countries and continents should create homogeneous and resonant structure. This is necessary for amplification of the laser rays and merging them into a single beam of incredible power. This condition can be fulfilled only on the base of deep mutual understanding and love, in accordance with the golden principle of morality ― Love your neighbor as yourself. The fundament of the Transition is also the Psalms of David.


However, to solve the problem of synchronization of civilization consciousness for the Transition will be incredibly difficult in conditions of heavy damage of international communications - phone, Internet in the result of natural blow. For all trainings for unification of consciousness for the Transition of humanity will remain very short period of time – only few months before the second preliminary cataclysm.


Three preliminary cataclysms before global. Before the beginning of global cataclysms will occur three preliminary cataclysms of incredible force during one year. From Above were given the dates and the epicenters of each of the three pre-cataclysms, but their sequence is unknown.

Mankind will pass through the first preliminary cataclysm which will cover vast areas and destroy numerous nuclear power stations on the way of natural blow. As a result, high level of radiation will arise on the planet. This period of time Nostradamus described as follows: «The total blood will flood the earth, people will live with closed mouths, and unpredictable will come…» Unpredictable – it's radiation, an unknown phenomenon by that time.

Location of nuclear power stations in the world


Dates of three pre-cataclysms and their epicenters. Two cataclysms will happen in days of equinoxes – spring (March 21) and autumn (September 21-22). They will have two epicenters: in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Peru, at the intersection of El Niño and the Humboldt Current, and also in the Gulf of Mexico. Another, one more – the third cataclysm will happen during the period of zodiac Cancer (June 21 - July 21). Its epicenter is Iceland - Greenland. However, sequence of three pre-cataclysms that occur during the year will be clear after the first of them.

The Transition before the second pre -cataclysm is the main condition for the continuation of life. Civilization can make the Transition only before the second pre-cataclysm. After it the Transition will be impossible, since the number of the remaining people will already be insufficient to start up the mechanism of the Transition.


The second pre-cataclysm will take away about a third of the remaining population, cover vast areas. Moreover, high level of radiation planet, which will arise on the, will be incompatible with life of organic nature and a human. Surviving people on the planet after the third pre-cataclysm will be destroyed by soon began global cataclysms.


Two warnings about the deadly danger for the Transition

There are two major warning for humanity without which the Transition will be impossible. Both of them point on carbon base of human nature, as an incredible obstacle for unification of consciousness. It turns out that it is carbon nature arises on the planet hate, acts of terror, wars and lack of understanding among peoples. This is due to the broad boundaries of individual cells of people of Earth that does not allow the brain areas to merge for information exchange.

Only the real keys to the symbolism of consciousness revealed these important warnings about the deadly danger for the Transition, waylaying unsuspecting humanity, hurrying to hide from global cataclysms, which have not been understood for millennia.


The first warning.Inverted cross of St. Peter means the revolution of consciousness from hate to love

Inverted cross of St. Peter means revolution of consciousness of humanity from hatred to mutual understanding and love for the Transition and the continuation of life as a crucial condition for the Transition. That's why all religions call for love as the basis of life and progress. We have to learn to love and forgive, to sympathize, and to give people the warm of your soul. Jesus Christ in the Sermon on the Mount says: «Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for those who persecute you...» (41, p.5, New Testament). Way of prolongation of life goes through love and kindness.


The second warning.«Number of the Beast» 666 is triple warning of an incredibly complex problem of uniting consciousness of civilization for the Transition

As it is known, «Number of the Beast» is the number of a human and apocalyptical.


«Number of the Beast» is human because the number «6» is the serial number of the carbon in the «Periodic Table of Elements» of D. I. Mendeleev and characterizes the basis of life on Earth. Triple repetition is associated with the three previous levels of consciousness included in individual cell of human. These are levels of consciousness of inorganic nature of stars and planets, as well as the organic nature of the planets.


Thus, the number 666 is a characteristic of the individual consciousness of each person of the Earth, with a broad border of cell as a result of carbon nature. This is the reason of the lack of understanding, wars and hatred in the world. Number of the Beast warns about the necessity for conscious overcoming the carbon nature of our life for the Transition.


«Number of the Beast» is apocalyptic because its understanding is vitally important for the Transition before the Apocalypse. Lack of knowledge about the broad borders of cells will not allow humanity to unite consciousness for the Transition.

So, Inverted cross of St. Peter and «Number of the Beast» complement each other by transmitting information about the imperfection of human consciousness, concealing a mortal danger for the Transition. Inverted cross of St. Peter warns about necessary of revolution of consciousness of people of the earth from hate to mutual understanding and love. Number of the Beast reveals the cause of hate and lack of understanding of people on the planet.

«Peter the Roman» is the successor of mission of Popes


Transmission from Above keys for salvation of mankind at first – papacy, and then – the Russian scientist ― indicates on the continuity of the mission. Process, which began with the Apostle Peter, and continued for two millennia by popes, will be finished by the Russian scientists. This single process for the preparation of civilization for the Transition from one cycle of consciousness development to another for continuation of life. Thus, the keys of the kingdom of heaven no longer belong to the papacy, they have been transferred, from Above, to the Russian scientist Victoria Popova.


The process of improving of consciousness under the flag of the keys of the kingdom of heaven for salvation of mankind is realized in two stages.


At the first stage ― took place the improvement of human consciousness for creation homogeneous-resonant structure, necessary for the Transition. For this purpose, to St. Peter, the founder of the papacy, were given symbolic keys. During 2000 they reminded humanity that at the moment of mortal danger it can be saved in the kingdom of heaven, if will fulfill the commandments ― a set of basic laws of morality.


On the second stage, just before onset of global cataclysms from Above were given the real keys to the symbolism of consciousness, which are written detailed Instructions for mankind's Transition to the Highest level of the material world. These keys were given from Above to the Russian scientist Victoria Popova. The Instructions were decoded by the Russian scientists Victoria Popova and Lidia Andrianova. Thus, the symbolic keys were replaced from Above by real keys necessary for reading the Instruction.


Thus, the first stage of the development of consciousness took place under the flag of improving of individual consciousness. The purpose of the second, very short stage ― to unite consciousness of civilization for the Transition to the next cycle of life.


6. Incredible storm in the Popes’ system, caused by the replacement of keys of heaven


Preparing for the Transition led to extraordinary changes


Produced, from Above, replacement of the keys — symbolic on real, as well as change of their owners, caused an incredible storm in the system of heads of the Holy See. This unprecedented storm caused extraordinary change: the abdication of the throne of the Pope; refusal of last four popes from the coronation of papal tiara; refusal of last five popes from wearing of tiara. Moreover, the last two Popes even expelled tiara — the main symbol of the power of the Supreme Pontiffs — from their coats of arms and replaced it with a mitre. And this despite the fact that the crossed keys, crowned by tiara, constitute coat of arms of the Holy See, as well as the coat of arms, flag and seal of the Vatican. The crossed keys symbolize the keys of Simon Peter. That is why the crossed keys, crowned by tiara, are also the main element of a personal coat of arms of each pope.

Therefore, refusal first Benedict XVI, and then Francis to use tiara in his own coat of arms and its replacement by the Episcopal mitre, became a radical change in the system of heraldry of coats of arms of Popes.

Papal Tiara -Triple Crown it is a distinctive high ornate decorated headdress topped with a small cross, and at the rear it has two flowing ribbons, which wear exclusively popes since the beginning of the XIV century to 1965. Tiara — is exclusively sign of only papal authority. Only pope wore tiara during certain liturgical ceremonies.

Mitre — is accessory of liturgical vestments of the top Catholic clergy: bishops, archbishops, metropolitans, cardinals. The Pope wears classical bishop's mitre for liturgical purposes.

Radical and deepening changes in the system of the papacy, which reached its apogee during Pope Benedict XVI's abdication from the throne, led mankind into shock. Indeed, the cause was unknown, i.e. no one could have even imagined that from Above was made not only the replacement of keys, but even change of their owners! Therefore, the events were not understandable. And even more than that, they caused outburst of indignation, for example, the refusal of the Pope from coronation with tiara or even wearing of tiara.

However, all these perturbations in the system of Supreme Pontiffs ― sudden changes, disturbances of usual, normal course of events ― meant that civilization became a witness of the greatest event ― the process of preparations for the Transition of mankind in the next cycle of life. These fundamental changes indicated that the symbolic keys, handed to St. Peter - the founder of the papacy - were replaced with real and given from Above to the Russian scientist. However, the main thing ― to humanity from Above were given the detailed Instructions on how to get into the kingdom of heaven, and new keys for their reading.

What happened in the system of the papacy?? What fundamental changes was accompanied the replacement of the keys of heaven and its owner?


Holy Spirit controls the movement of tiara as an arrow- pointer of the owner of the keys


The magic of the Holy Spirit takes off the tiara from the head of the Popes and moves tiara of the last coronation in New York to meet with Russian scientists. Popes' refusal from the coronation and wearing of tiara signifies the end of the mission of the papacy before the Transition in the next cycle of life.


Tiara is an integral part of the keys of the kingdom – it is an arrow-pointer of their owner. By its location the tiara indicates the person, to whom, from Above given the keys. Moreover, since the keys were given from Above, it was found that the tiara, operated by the Holy Spirit, has the ability to follow the owner of the keys. No, of course, on tiara did not grow legs to move. It moves as a result of the most incredible events, which take place under the influence of guidance from Above. However, since behaves not every tiara, but only the tiara, which passed the coronation. This way is revealed the magic of the Holy Spirit.

Under the change, from Above, the owner of the keys, tiara, as the arrow-pointer moves to the newly elected person. Movement of the tiara inform the world ― who at this time elected, from Above, the owner the keys of heaven and where he is.


Moreover, as it turned out, tiara, operated by the Holy Spirit, even anticipates events. It tracks the trajectory of the person, to whom soon  will be transferred the keys, from Above, and wait him in certain, known in advance place, long before the moment when, chosen from Above, person will be there. At the same time, the newly elected from Above for this mission person, even does not suspect that tiara, operated by the Holy Spirit is «waiting» for him.


From Above has long been known, that at a certain time will be made replacement of the keys and their owner. And it was already known who will be their new owner. As it is now becoming clear, it was known that this is the scientist from Russia, and to get the keys to the symbolism of consciousness the whole family of this woman will be moved to America, to New York for error-free reception of the Information from Above.


That's why for 30 years prior to receipt keys from Above, tiara gone off from the head of the pope, or, rather, the last crowned Pope Paul VI himself publicly withdrew tiara from head and refused to continue to wear it.

Tiara, moved by the Holy Spirit, was picked up by events and moved from the Vatican to America ― first in New York and then to Washington, to the museum.

New York - this is just the city in which not soon will come, living a normal life and even unsuspecting family of Russian scientists, one of whom will be given from Above the keys of heaven. Moreover, just in New York for a long 15 years, underwent a process of receiving, from Above, the most important for mankind Information about the Transition of humanity, written by symbols of consciousness, and were given two keys for reading this symbolism.


So, the papacy remains without tiara. Popes entering the throne after Paul VI, not only refuse to carry out the process of the coronation, but do not even want to wear tiara, despite the recommendation in the Apostolic Constitution about the necessity to use papal tiara in the following papal coronations. This constant refusal to wear tiara was so extraordinary, that Catholic conservatives regarded it as a sign that the place of Pope is vacant, despite his election.


Refusal to wear tiara continues to this day... Moreover, tiara has been removed from the coats of arms of the last two Popes and replaced with mitre. This very clearly indicates that the keys not belong to the papacy anymore. However, the Russian scientist to whom rightfully belongs tiara, because she already was given the keys, from Above, will appear, according to the prophecies, just before onset of global cataclysms of apocalypse. This is the time of emergence of «Peter the Roman» according to the prophecy of St. Malachy and the Woman in tiara according to Nostradamus, which are one and the same person - the Russian scientist Victoria Popova.


Replacement of the keys of heaven ― means the preparing for the Transition. Keys can not exist without tiara ― it is an indivisible unity. Tiara for the period from 1963 to the present time gradually completely gone away from the system of popes and remained only in coat of arms, flag, seal of the Vatican, as well as in the coat of arms of the Holy See. It informs that the symbolic keys, which remained with the papacy, have been replaced by real.

And despite the fact that Popes from year to year continue to serve very important daily ministry, gradually completely unnoticed is going preparing for the most important event in human history – the Transition to the next cycle of life.

Let’s consider from this perspective the motion of tiara, directly associated with the keys of heaven. Let’ see what happened to tiara during the reign of the last Popes, beginning with Paul VI, who was the first pope, publicly refused to wear tiara.


Relay race of tiara


Popes started wearing tiara since the XI century. Initially tiara looked like a peaked cap, decorated with crown, and then to tiara was added the second and third crowns. Tiara became to look like a three-level crown at the beginning of the XIV century.

It is believed that the three crowns of tiara symbolize the triple power of the Pope: the teaching, management and ministry. However, in symbolism of consciousness three levels of crown placed over the head of the Pope, indicate three previous level of consciousness included in the information cell of a human.


The last pope, coronated by tiara and wore tiara, was John XXIII. His pontificate is October 28, 1958 – June 3, 1963.

The last pope coronated by tiara was Paul VI (June 21, 1963 – August 6, 1978). However, Pope Paul VI decided to cease wearing a papal tiara within weeks of his coronation – in 1963, and laid his own on the altar of St. Peter's Basilica in a gesture of humility. Refusal Paul VI to wear tiara, the Catholic conservatives regarded as a sign that Paul VI was not a true Roman Pontiff, and this place remained vacant.

From the moment of the public refusal of wearing tiara, began the movement of tiara towards the Russian scientists. So, tiara, operated by the Holy Spirit, changes the trajectory of its usual movement and moves from the Vatican in America – on another continent.


Though Paul VI decided to cease wearing a papal tiara, however, in 1975 he still prescribed in his 1975 Apostolic Constitution, that «the new pontiff is to be crowned by tiara».


Despite this recommendation, his successors ― John Paul I and John Paul II refused from the coronation ceremony and never wore this ancient symbol of supreme power of pontiff. Moreover, Benedict XVI and Francis even removed tiara from their coats of arms. Nevertheless, tiara and keys of St. Peter are represented in the coat of arms, flag and seal of the Vatican, as well as the in coat of arms of the Holy See.

Absence of tiara on head of Pope informs, that the keys already do not belong to the papacy, and transferred, from Above, to the Russian scientist. Thus, beginning with Paul VI, the papacy already had no power to open the kingdom of heaven to mankind in the case of mortal danger. This underlines the absence of tiara on the head of Paul VI, as well as all subsequent popes. All definitively clarified solution of Benedict XVI – to return back to the ruby-red shoes of Paul VI.  Why Benedict XVI has restored the ruby-red color of shoes of Paul VI?



7. Benedict XVI completed the line of Popes


Red color of shoes symbolizes the path, specified by God


Status of the Pope by tradition obliges the owner wearing a red leather shoes. This is no accident. According to the Color Symbolism – red symbolizes fire, and therefore is the color of the Holy Spirit. Clothing of pontiff – is not only an ancient tradition. Each accessory of clothing of the Pope is a symbol. Papal shoes are the historical item of clothing of the bishops of Rome. As well known, «the papal shoes were always red. Red was the official papal color to the XVI century, when Pope Pius V, Dominican, continued wearing a white monastic attire». However, red color was restored.

Pope usually wore the red shoes inside his residence. Pope Paul VI stopped using exquisite red papal shoes, made of red satin, red silk and gold thread, trimmed with embroidered cross, decorated with rubies. He wore a simple red leather shoes throughout the rest of his pontificate.

Pope John Paul I, who reigned for only 33 days, also wore plain red leather shoes, as Paul VI. Pope John Paul II at the beginning of his pontificate, wore red shoes; but then he quickly adopted wearing ordinary brown shoes. Paul VI, John Paul I and John Paul II were buried in red leather papal shoes.

The path, charted by God. Foot - is the foundation of a human, which allow walking by the certain path. It is believed that a foot is even more important than a palm, because it relies on the ground. No accident that in the Bible just the foot is chosen as the unit of measure of the land. «I will not give you any of their land, even a foot» (Deut. 2, 5).

Thus, the red color of shoes means, that the foot of this human i.e. his path completely directs only God.


Return to ruby-red shoes of Paul VI


Completing the line of Popes confirms the prophecy of St. Malachy. Return of Benedict XVI to ruby-red shoes of Paul VI, means the following. As it is known, Paul VI was the last pope, crowned with the tiara. After Paul VI all subsequent popes, including Benedict XVI, were not crowned with the tiara and did not wear it. More over, Benedict XVI and Francis even removed tiara from their coat of arms. Though in all coats of arms of previous Popes tiara always was presented.


This indicates that the circle of Popes without tiara is closed and tiara has gone away from Popes forever.


Benedict XVI, emphasizing and reinforcing information about the closure of the circle of popes without tiara, began by Paul VI, also restored two types of mozzetta, which in the past wore Paul VI. These are – the Passover mozzetta of white damask silk, lined with ermine and red velvet winter papal mozzetta trimmed with white ermine.


The ruby-red shoes of Paul VI, to which returned Benedict XVI, informs, that it is not independent decision of all popes, who formed the circle without tiara, but the path, specified by God.


Black shoes of Pope Francis confirm the completion of the line of papacy. Benedict XVI has restored wearing the ruby-red street shoes similar to those, which worn by Paul VI. However, his successor, Pope Francis stopped wearing red shoes and continues to wear plain black shoes. What does this mean?


As noted, the red shoes Benedict XVI indicated, that all his actions did not occur by his own wish, but his feet was guided by God. At the same time, black color of shoes of Pope Francis means, that not God, but he by himself chooses his own way on the earth.

Thus, exactly the 111th Pope Benedict XVI completes the line of Popes, as predicted St. Malachy. Black shoes of   Pope Francis emphasize and reinforce this information. At the same time, Pope Francis is not the 112th pope, «Peter the Roman».


However, on the other hand, by elements of the coat of arms and clothing, the motto, and, most importantly, his activities for association of various confessions, Pope Francis reports the following. Today, already in full swing is going new final stage of preparation for the Transition of humanity through the unification of consciousness of civilization before global cataclysms.


Resignation Benedict XVI as completion of the line of Popes


Tiara is indissolubly linked with the keys of heaven. Consequently, the absence of a tiara not only on the head of the Pope, but even in the coat of arms, informs that the keys no longer belong to papacy, and will never be returned – they are purely symbolic.


Thus, Benedict XVI is the Pope without tiara and keys of heaven... But it is not the Pope, isn't it? That's why Benedict XVI and takes extraordinary decision of the resignation from the throne of the Supreme Pontiffs. Pope Benedict's own explanation of made decision: «God told me to resign». Renunciation Benedict XVI finally approves the completion of the line of Popes, as predicted St. Malachy.


Replacement from Above the keys for reading the Instructions for the Transition. The keys of heaven which Jesus gave to Saint Peter informed that mankind can not even for a moment remain unprotected in the face of suddenly aroused mortal danger of onset of global cataclysms. However, symbolic keys, left in the papacy, can no longer help civilization to be saved. They have already fulfilled their mission of improving consciousness of humanity in accordance with the commandments during two millennia.


Completing mission of the keys given to papacy, means, that on the planet someone already was given new real keys, from Above, that will open the kingdom of heaven for salvation. However, the owner of these keys is not known yet. On this person is laid a mission of great responsibility - to help humanity to make the Transition in the next cycle of life, escaping from destruction in global cataclysms. He will appear with the beginning of his mission, i.e. immediately before Armageddon.


Throwback to origins. The new keys. About already produced, from Above, replacement of keys and told the world Benedict XVI since the very beginning of his reign. To convey this information, he used an ancient version vestments used by popes of the first millennium. It's a throwback to the first popes, i.e. to the times of St. Peter. Throwback to the days of St. Peter means, that to someone in the world, the same as St. Peter, from Above, will be given the new keys. And, indeed, the keys of heaven, from above, are replaced with new, necessary for reading the Instruction for the Transition and are given to the Russian scientist.

8. Benedict XVI returns to origins


Benedict XVI not only completed two millennia line of the Popes as the last 111th representative. However, by different accessories of clothing in traditions of ancient Roman bishops of the first millennium, Pope Benedict XVI in every way underlined a return to the original act of handing over the keys – to the first bishop of Rome ― to St. Peter. That is why, Pope Benedict XVI has been noted as one of the main reformers of papal fashion.

So, from the very beginning of reign, Benedict XVI has restored the wider pallium of the first millennium. To reinforce the importance of pallium, he first represented it even in his coat of arms. In addition, he returned to the ancient tradition of wearing camauro – red winter hat made of camel wool, trimmed with white ermine, as well as red papal shoes.


Wide pallium – means uniting of consciousness of civilization for the Transition


As known, pallium is a long strip of white lamb wool with embroidered red or black crosses, pounces on shoulders, symbolizes the completeness of papal authority. The pallium is conferred at the ceremony at the Vatican usually 29 June – the feast day of Saints Peter and Paul.

Pallium of Benedict XVI - it's a long wide ribbon with five embroidered red crosses and black end. One of its ends descends not the middle, as usual, but with the left shoulder, as in ancient times. However, wear one of ends of pallium on the left shoulder was very difficult in combination with other accessories of clothes. Therefore, Benedict XVI also used a round version, dressed through the head, but wider. Thus, Pope Benedict XVI by his distinctive ancient pulliam returned the vestments of beginning of formation of papacy.

Benedict XVI attached so big importance to pallium, that for the first time he presented it even in the coat of arms. It turns out that the pallium through symbolism of consciousness transmits vital information for mankind.


Pallium in the symbolism of consciousness. All components of the pallium are symbols of consciousness.  Big circle of pallium around the neck on shoulders, represent the extended brain area of the united cell of civilization that form many people of Earth. Wide pallium of Benedict XVI further extends the brain area of the united cell, showing, thereby, that all mankind of Earth unite consciousness for the Transition.

Wider pallium of Benedict XVI demonstrates vitally important warning to humanity of the planet. It emphasizes the broad border of cells of people of Earth with carbon nature, which reveals in hate, wars, indifference. Wide pallium repeats vitally-important warning the inverted cross of St. Peter about sudden mortal danger, waiting for humanity at the Transition. Wide pallium urges humanity to overturn hate on mutual understanding and love that will sharply thin the border of cells of humanity of Earth.

Pallium, as in ancient times, descending through the left shoulder, emphasizes heartfelt understanding and love between people of the planet. This means readiness to the Transition.


Five crosses instead of the usual six ― emphasize the necessity to unite consciousness of civilization. Number five represents the united consciousness of humanity, while the six crosses in the usual version of pallium inform about an individual consciousness of mankind with carbon basis.

Cross arises as the result of superposition of two rectangles, representing a shift of a brain area when uniting consciousness. However, all sides of the cross of pallium have extension, indicating the extension of the brain area when of uniting consciousness. Four sides of cross represent four people, uniting consciousness. The expanding ends of the cross indicate on joining growing number of people uniting consciousness, i.e. whole civilization of Earth. Thus, the wide pallium indicates that it is time for the unification of consciousness of humanity for the Transition.


Pieces of lead at the ends of pallium, sheathed by black silk, emphasize the incredible obstacles to the unification of consciousness of mankind.


Three pins with precious stones. On pallium of previous popes are depicted six crosses, three of which pierced with a pin with gems, and three are usual.

This way by different combinations is shown unification of consciousness of two people with individual developed consciousness of the fourth level. Information cell of each human includes three previous levels of consciousness.


Camauro presents a brain area of the united cell of humanity


Camauro is winter hat of red color, trimmed with white ermine, became exclusively part of the papal wardrobe from the XII century. However, it fell into disuse after the death of Pope John XXIII in 1963, but was restored in December 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI. Redcamaurocoverstheheadanddescendsoverears.

Camauro in symbolism of consciousness. Covered by camauro ears, indicate, that ears of the Pope do not hear information of the material world. Pope hears only the instructions of God. Camauro, covering head, represents the extended brain area of the united cell of civilization, which form all people of the Earth.

Red color of camauro underlines, that this is presentation of information cell. Narrow edging by white ermine depicts a thin border of the united cell of Earth civilization. So is presented humanity which reached the highest consciousness, based on mutual understanding and love. A thin border of the cell informs about complete readiness of humanity, related a common destiny, for the Transition to the next cycle of life.


Replacing tiara by miter means preparing for the Transition


Papal Tiara ― three-tiered ovoid crown, with the cross at the top and two ribbons falling down at the back.

Tiara in the symbolism of consciousness. From the standpoint of symbolism of consciousness the form of tiara informs about the change of the mode of consciousness from the individual to the united. Furthermore, the oval shape of tiara is the symbol of dematerialization and the Transition. Oval arises when uniting consciousness of two or more people.

Three levels of the crown inform about three previous level of consciousness included in the human cell. Ornament of papal tiara reveals the symbolism of individual and united consciousness of humanity. Form and ornament of the tiara reflects the process of improving of individual human consciousness.

Thus, the three-tier tiara discloses the stage of improving of individual human consciousness in accordance with the commandments. So for two millennia the papacy implemented the great mission of the formation of homogeneity of human consciousness required for the Transition.


Mitre ― the major headdress the highest Catholic clergy, necessary element of liturgical vestments. The Pope wears a bishop's classic mitre for liturgical purposes. Just the mitre – is the initial headdress of popes in the form of white conical hat, symbolizing independence Pope from secular rulers. Therefore, replacing tiara by the silver mitre is a sign of «throwback to origins» of papal authority and the end of line of the papacy, as predicted St. Malachy.

Mitre in symbolism of consciousness. The form of Latin mitre, as known symbolizes tongues of fire, which descended upon the Apostles at Pentecost.

In the symbolism of consciousness the shape of mitre depicts two processes. Expanding of lower part of miter presents the extension of a brain area at uniting consciousness. Upper part is the symbol of the Transition, which arises as a result of deep uniting of human consciousness.

Two tops of the miter disclose principle of the united consciousness.


Thus, the three-tiered tiara symbolizes the stage of improvement of individual human consciousness by the commandments. Mitre reveals the Principle of the united consciousness of people as the basis of the Transition. In 2005, Pope Benedict XVI for the first time in the history removed tiara from his coat of arms and replaced it with a mitre. This means the complete and final transfer the power of the papacy – to open the gates of heaven for the salvation of mankind in the case of mortal danger – to the Russian scientist Victoria Popova, since it is the time she was given, from Above, the second main key for the Transition.


Consequently, replacement tiara by mitre in the coat of arms of the last two popes is a sign of the end of the line of the papacy, as predicted by St. Malachy, as well as the willingness of humanity to make the Transition in the next cycle of life. Throwback to the origins of papal authority, by the time when the St. Peter at first was given the keys, emphasizes repetition of the process of the initial receipt of the keys of the kingdom of heaven by the Russian scientist Victoria Popova.

However, most importantly, Benedict XVI through his renunciation and accessories of clothing warns about close beginning of global cataclysms of apocalypse and the necessity to unite consciousness of civilization for the Transition. All of it reveals the great sagacity of St. Malachi, who in the prophecy of the popes warned humanity about these events many centuries ago.


9. Mottos and coats of arms of the last five popes in prophecy of St. Malachy reflect the steps of obtaining the keys by the Russian scientist




The most important part of the prophecy of St. Malachy is the period at the threshold of the end of the world, in which happen fundamental changes caused by replacing the symbolic keys of heaven, belonged to the papacy, on real, given, from Above, to the Russian scientist. It turned out that mottos-characteristics of last five popes of this part of the prophecy of St. Malachy, accurately and consistently reflect the process of replacing the keys of the kingdom of heaven and their owners.


Let’s consider in details the mottos and coat of arms of the last three popes, that most clearly reveal this process, from the point of view of the formation of the Russian scientist, whom, from Above, were given the keys of the kingdom of heaven, as to Peter the Roman.


The common part of all coats of arms of Popes - two crossed keys and tiara, while the last two popes replaced tiara by miter. Every Pope has his own personal coat of arms, which is the symbol of his pontificate.

Coats of arms of Popes traditionally contains two crossed keys - gold and silver - from Rome and Heaven, and the papal tiara with outgoing ribbons. The last two popes - Benedict XVI and Francis replaced tiara by silver mitre.

Keys of heaven symbolize the power of Christ, handed over to the apostle Peter and his successors. Connection of two keys by the cord indicates their essential unity in St. Peter and his successors. The central part of the coat of arms occupies the shield. Therefore, in the coat of arms of Popes will consider only the information which is transmitted by shields.

John Paul II (1978 - 2005) — 110th Pope

Russian scientist in 2004 from Above was given the first key

Motto «De Labore Solis» or «Birth and formation of the Sun»


Motto informs, that during the pontificate of the 110th pope will happen the birth and formation the vital-important information for salvation of humanity from global cataclysms and the continuation of life. And, indeed, in autumn 2004, to the Russian scientist Victoria Popova was given, from Above, the first key to the symbolism of consciousness for the Transition of humanity in the kingdom of heaven.


Coat of arms of John Paul II in the symbolism of consciousness


On the coat of arms by the symbols of consciousness is shown initial phase of preparation for the unification of consciousness for the Transition and the continuation of life, as the only the way of salvation of mankind from global cataclysms, indicated from Above. Displaced center of wide golden cross depicts the shift of the brain area in the cells of people of Earth under uniting of consciousness.

Sky-blue color of the shield informs about the upcoming Transition of mankind to Highest level of the material world, i.e. to the kingdom of heaven. The large and majestic capital letter M – type-letter «M», forms two zigzags, each of which represents the uniting of consciousness of two people. Furthermore, each segment represents the shift of brain areas in the individual cell.

The golden color of the cross and capital letter «M» means that the Principle of united consciousness is given from Above.


9.3. Benedict XVI (2005 - 2013) — 111th Pope

Russian scientist on June 29, 2005 from Above was given the second key

Motto «Gloria oliuæ» – «Glory of the olive» or «Triumph of Peace»


Motto means that during the reign of the 111th Pope humanity received the way of salvation, given from above, on the eve of global cataclysms. This is the Transition to the Highest level of the material world through the unification of consciousness of people on Earth, based on mutual understanding and love. This indeed is the triumph of peace, predicted by St. Malachy in the prophecy.

The second, the main key was given from Above to the Russian scientist Victoria Popova on June 29, 2005 – the feast of St. Peter, to who, as known, first were handed over two keys of the kingdom of heaven. The second key discloses «the law of the action of the united consciousness», required for the Transition.

Received two keys allowed Russian scientists Victoria Popova and Lidia Andrianova, during the reign of Benedict XVI, read, given from Above, the Instructions for the Transition, written in symbols of consciousness.


Coat of arms of Benedict XVI in the symbolism of consciousness


Elements of the coat of arms urge humanity immediately to begin preparing for the Transition into the new cycle of life to the Highest level of the material world due to soon beginning of global cataclysms. They warn about big difficulties on this way.


Elements of the coat of arms reflect the main symbols-milestone of the last period before onset of global cataclysms. Natural color of the Moor and the Bear animates symbols up to objects of the present events, belonging to the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI.


The «Moor of Freising» with crown represents the first in US history black 44th US President Barack Obama. According to well-known prediction of American prophet Edgar Cayce, the 44th US President will be the last.

Crown and ornament on it, earring, the collar around the neck, eyebrows, as well as lips of the Moor and their bright red color in the symbols of consciousness indicate the necessity to unite consciousness of humanity for the Transition. Thus, Moor informs about the equality of all people in the world, regardless of their skin color.

Bear of Corbinian. Bear is a symbol of Russia. Protruding tongue depicts the Bear in hurry. So are shown two Russian scientists, who hurry to warn mankind of the occurrence of global cataclysms and transfer, given from Above the Instructions for the Transition, as the only way of salvation.

Scallop Shell associated with the philosophy of St. Augustine's about incomprehensible to mankind depth secrets of God. The Scallop Shell is a finial of the staff of St. James - the patron saint of pilgrims and travelers.


Shell, as a representative of the element of water, warns about the epicenters in the ocean of three preliminary cataclysms, which will occur during the year before global cataclysms.  In the symbolism of consciousness small semicircular vertex of shell presents a small brain area of an individual cell. It is attached to the crescent of the united consciousness, strengthening the information about necessity to unite consciousness. Expanding radial ribs from vertex to edge, and also expanded in comparison with the vertex, the edge of the shell, depict expanding of a brain area of the cell when uniting consciousness.


On the other hand, body of a shell, which is crossed by numerous radial ribs, is a symbol of body destruction at the level of the Crystal Structures. Destruction of a body is made by laser beam, caused by the united and amplified consciousness of civilization. Destruction of a body means the simultaneous General resurrection on the Highest level of the material world. This way will happen the Transition of mankind to the next cycle of life – the cycle of Corrections, where everyone will be responsible for actions, made today.


Pallium. Part of the pallium in the form of a crescent – the symbol of the united consciousness - put under the shield, informs in symbols the consciousness, about the necessity to unite consciousness for the Transition and the continuation of life. Tworedcrossesrepresenttheunitingofconsciousnessoftwopeople.

The vertical part of the pallium with one cross, presents a shift of a brain area from the center to the border in each individual cell under uniting of consciousness of two people. Black end of the pallium depicts shifted brain area of an individual cell of a human.

Golden background, on which are depicted the head of the Moor and the Bear, as well as gold Scallop Shell indicates that this information is given from Above.


Thus, the elements of the coat of arms of Benedict XVI denote milestones of the events of the beginning of doomsday that coincide with events, indicated by great prophets – Nostradamus, E. Casey, St. Malachy.


9.3. Francis (2013 –)


Beginning of the mission of Russian scientists before the onset of global cataclysms

During the pontificate of Pope Francis humanity will face with the first blow of incredible strength of the beginning of preliminary cataclysms. This is the beginning of the activities of Russian scientists – direct descendants of King David in preparation for the Transition of humanity in the new cycle of life.


Motto. Pope Francis is not 112 Pope, so, he has no motto by St. Malachy




Coat of arms of Pope Francis in the symbolism of consciousness


On the shield of the coat of arms of Francis is presented information about the main events during his reign.

Background of shield of the sky-blue color informs about the upcoming Transition of mankind on the Highest level of the material world, i.e. the kingdom of heaven. In the center of the shield is presented the emblem of the Order of the Jesuits, to which belongs Pope Francis, with changed black color of the sun to gold. Elements of the coat of arms inform that during the pontificate of the pope Francis will begin global cataclysms. However, to humanity will be given, from Above, the way of salvation through the united consciousness of civilization and caused by it a laser beam in order to make the Transition in the next cycle of life. About it informs two types of rays of the sun, as well as eight-pointed star.

Two types of solar rays. In the symbolism of consciousness wavy rays represent the curved body of a serpent – the symbol of global cataclysms. Another type of rays – in the form of sharp peaks – reminds a sword blade. So are shown laser beams, which have to cause humanity by synchronously uniting consciousness for the Transition.


Eight-pointed star. Each ray of the star represents an expansion and depicts extension of a brain area at uniting of consciousness.

Eight rays of the star indicate on the uniting of consciousness of four pairs of people. Fourfold repetition of information means that all civilization unites consciousness. Location star at the bottom of the shield informs that united consciousness ― is the basis of the Transition.


Branch of nard flowers. The way to salvation will transfer to humanity the direct descendant of King David. This information represents the branch of nard flowers symbolizing St. Joseph the Betrothed ― the direct descendant of King David. Nard flower is completely made up of symbols of consciousness.


This information discloses Nostradamus in the drawings of «the Lost Book». Nostradamus informs that the Woman in tiara with two keys to the symbolism of consciousness and her sister ― are two Women, two Russian scientists, who have been entrusted to convey to mankind Instructions for the Transition - are direct descendants of King David.

Branch of nard flowers is represented by different symbols of consciousness ― crescents of the united consciousness, extended brain areas of the united cells, as well as ovals of dematerialization and the Transition.

Thus, the coat of arms of Francis emphasizes his activities, aimed on bringing together people of different confessions for the Transition before beginning of global cataclysms.


Dynamics of preparation for the Transition in lower part of coats of arms

of last three popes


Lower part of coats of arms of the last three popes inform about increasing degree of preparation of civilization to the unification of consciousness for the Transition – from theoretical knowledge to the complete readiness.

Coat of arms of John Paul II. Lower part of the coat of arms, as a curly brace, represents two uniting individual cells. So is presented the initial phase of the work. In the pontificate of this Pope was received, from Above, the first key to the symbolism of consciousness. The first key disclosed the structure of human information cell and the mechanism of consciousness, which is based on the shift of a brain area when uniting of consciousness.


Coat of arms of Benedict XVI. Lower part of the coat of arms in the form of an oval informs that civilization is not ready yet for unification of consciousness. That's why the coat of arms ends the pallium, depicted below the shield, which informs about the necessity to unite consciousness of civilization for the Transition. In the pontificate of this Pope was received, from Above, the second key, which reveals the Law of the Action of the united consciousness and allows to convert body for the Transition. With the help of two keys, given from Above, were read the detailed Instructions for mankind's Transition to the Highest level of the material world.


Coat of arms of Pope Francis. Lower part of the coat of arms in the form of a circle depicts the extended brain area of the united cell of humanity. This informs that civilization is ready to unite consciousness for the Transition in accordance with the given from Above detailed Instructions.


«The Ring of the Fisherman» of Pope Francis opens the way for the Russian scientists


Pope Francis, unlike previous popes, chose the ring of the Fisherman with the image of the Apostle Peter, not only with net, but also with two Keys in his hands.

Thus, Pope Francis underlined not only incredible importance of the keys in the future of mankind, but also a return to the original act of receiving keys. However, the lack of tiara not only on head of the Pope, but also in his coat of arms, indicates that the keys do not belong to the papacy since the time of the pontificate of Paul VI, who publicly took off the tiara and refused wearing it again. From Above the Keys were given to the Russian scientist.


Pope Francis except tiara refused even from one more symbol of the Roman pontiff - the gold «Ring of the Fisherman» because asked to make it from silver-gilt.


Thus, Pope Francis informs that it's time of the Russian scientists with given from Above two keys to reading the Instructions for the Transition of humanity to the new cycle of life. So, on the eve of global cataclysms, humanity has received from Above, the only way of salvation and the opportunity to continue living.


Popes in the struggle for peace and unification of mankind


As indicated in the Instructions, given from Above, mankind can make the Transition and prolong life only through unification of consciousness of all civilization on the basis of mutual understanding and love. This great task is manifested most clearly in the last time in the activity of Popes.

Dialogue between different countries, religions and confessions, as the basis of the struggle for peace and peaceful coexistence of states with different social systems ― is a new course of Vatican policy, which is carried out continuously since the mid-twentieth century. Initially, this policy was met with hostility, but it became stronger and stronger, destroying any resistance in its path. Into this policy of struggle were involved all Popes.


John XXIII for the current policy has been called «the Pope of peace».

Paul VI - «Papa Pilgrim», as is known, spent most extensive foreign policy of the Vatican. He was also a harbinger of the «civilization of love», preaching peace and universal brotherhood. «The hour has come - he remarked, - when is necessary to stop, focus, meditate, maybe pray: to think again about our common origins, our history, our common destiny...»

John Paul II «Knight of freedom» as a harbinger of a new era noted that peace is indivisible and actively opposed the war. John Paul II one of the most revered popes was «an outstanding religious leader, who has dedicated his life to the defense of peace, freedom and equality». He preached liberation of reconciliation and forgiveness, called «believers and non-believers to fight for peace and social progress, called for the establishment of «peace and unity among people and nations that make the world a single community». John Paul II became the first pope to come into contact with other confessions.

Benedict XVI from the very beginning his pontificate from the outset called different faiths to an open and sincere dialogue, with mutual respect. In April 2005, before his election as pope, he was identified as one of the 100 most influential people in the world by the magazine «Time».

Pope Francis urges to forgiveness to gain mercy: this is the path to peace in our hearts and in the world. At the meeting with representatives of diplomatic missions to the Holy See, Pope Francis recalled that «the Pontiff» means «bridge builder», so it is necessary to «build bridges» between peoples and religions. By his activities to unite various denominations, Francis reports that already in full swing goes new final stage of preparation for the Transition of humanity through the unification of consciousness of civilization before global cataclysms beginning.


«Man of the Year» by the magazine «Time»


According to the magazine Time by «Man of the Year» were elected the following Popes. The first laureate in 1962 became John XXIII; in 1994 the second laureate became Pope John Paul II, and in 2013 by this title was awarded the third Pope ― Francis.



Thus, the attributes of clothing and coats of arms of Popes, reflecting the symbolism of the spiritual world, as well as the current policy of the Vatican, indicate that humanity is ready for unification of consciousness for the Transition and the continuation of life.


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